
Showing posts from November, 2021

"Living the Dream"

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie desires certain ideals from her life like love and camaraderie. However, what Janie wants from her own life differs from what other people think she needs, and Nanny and Joe Stark’s ideas of the “perfect life” for Janie are deeply unsatisfying for her. Only when Janie follows her own wishes does she truly reach fulfillment, happiness and independence in her life. Nanny wants Janie to settle down with Logan Killicks, because Logan “got a house bought and paid for and sixty acres uh land right on de big road [..] and dat’s de very prong all us black women gits hung on.” Dis love!” Her idea of love and contentment for Janie is what she never got to experience as a young woman, which is being provided for by a well-off husband. Both Nanny and her daughter had their children as the result of being raped, so Nanny didn’t initially have a support system and lacked the feeling of stability. As a result, she sets up Janie with Logan Killicks in order to g